Healthy body, healthy mind

Healthy body, healthy mind “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain” This week, I have really been trying to consider carefully what I write in this entry. A colleague gave me this quote and this prompted my thinking. I often say to myself, I’m not in the mood to run, or to bike or for any form of exercise for that matter. When I have taken time to consider this, I’ve realised how floored this is. I touched on it in this week’s worship and it’s all about changing my mind-set. I am not in the mood to exercise should really be turned into: I am in a mood so need to exercise. I have never regretted exercise, no matter how slow, long or even how intense it has been. I have, however, indulged in self-pity or chocolate when I have not exercised, and it is that I regret. In writing these pieces, I am holding myself to account for the choices I make and I am trying to take a bit of responsibility to “own” this lockdown otherwise,...